About Us
Welcome to the Las Palmas Ranch Master Association website and to our community!
Las Palmas Ranch (Phase I) is a family-friendly community consisting of 329 single-family homes. Ours is not just a homeowners association, but it is truly a neighborhood comprised of neighbors and friends that have developed close relationships with one another.
The pride of ownership in Las Palmas Ranch is tremendous, which makes for active neighborhood associations and subcommittees. This website is just one example. Our purpose is to keep you informed about our community and to improve our members' knowledge and access to information so that we can continue to enjoy our neighborhood, preserve and improve our quality of life and protect the value of our investments.
Your involvement in the Las Palmas Ranch community is encouraged, and we hope that the information provided on this website will be helpful to you. The best way to become involved with and informed about our community is to attend the bi-monthly association meetings. Las Palmas Ranch Master Association Board of Directors meetings are typically held on the 2nd Thursday of every other month, 6:00 PM, at the Monterey County Regional Fire Station. All homeowners are welcome.  Please contact the Association's Property Manager for specific meeting dates and times.  You may also check the Upcoming Events and Calendar sections of this website.
Property Management:
Effective 02/01/2022 - Las Palmas Ranch Master Association is managed by:
Next Step Community Management 
101 Cooper Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Telephone: (408) 495-4695
Email: LasPalmasR1@nextstepcommunities.com